Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Arrival in Brazil

After about 26+ hours of traveling from the U.S., Sunday night I finally arrived in Barreiras, Bahia Brazil to meet with ABA Manutençao Aeronaves (aviation maintenance). ABA is one of five Lane Aviation/Aeroglobo authorized Air Tractor service centers located in Brazil. I was a guest of Grant Lane while he made his first visit to ABA. We were welcomed at the airport by one of ABA partners, Ruddigger da Silva and his aviation business consultant, Gustavo Monesterio. 

Undoubtedly, it was a direct drive to the hotel for dinner and a welcome shower and bed. Monday, we visited the ABA facility which an extremely modern ag-aviation and general aviation maintenance shop by any world standards. The Brazilian and American flags in conjunction as signs on the hangar symbolized of the partnership between the well-established ABA and Lane Aviation/Aeroglobo group. Aeroglobo is the Lane Aviation representative for Air Tractor Sales and Service in Brazil and Argentina. 

After our morning visit, our hosts took us to a riverside restaurant for local meat and fish. It was outside dining with mico's small monkeys) swinging from the trees! We departed Barreiras late in the afternoon to arrive at the convention host hotel around midnight in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. We will use Tuesday to rest for what promises to be a hard three days of trade show work, Wednesday-Friday. Here in Brazil, it is common to be at the convention trade show/exhibit hall from about 9a to 9p or even midnight, away from the hotel, at the airport for three solid days. 

Keep turning...

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