Spring is in full swing here in the U.S., while operators south of the equator are taking a rest from their season. My understanding is things are not good in Argentina. Plagued by a combination of a shaky economy most likely caused by the government and drought areas, there is hope for things to improve next year after the October elections. Brazil is having its challenges, too, with the ever changing real, now taking more of them to buy U.S. dollar-driven items.
Something I learned a long time ago, Latin Americans are accustomed to challenges and adversities. I find them more capable of dealing with such than North Americans. In the past, the bad times have always been replaced with the good times and unfortunately the opposite, too. Agriculture is one thing the world cannot do without. Oil is vital, but it is not as important as food, which is the industry’s ace card. Sooner or later, the weather, the economy and the value of food will change, sometime for the better and sometime worse.
I have bought my airline ticket to attend the Brazilian Sindicato Nacional dos Aeronautas (SNA) meeting in Cachoeira do Sul. Afterwards, my Brazilian representative, Gina Hickmann, and I plan to travel at this time to parts-unknown in Brazil to visit with operators and pilots. I always look forward to these trips, as I meet old friends and make new ones. Maybe I will see you!
Another Brazilian conference will be held June 24-26 in Luis Eduardo Magalhaes, Bahia hosted by SINDAG, the national association of ag-aviation businesses for Brazil. I always attend this conference, however, this year I will not be able. I am expecting my fourth grandchild on June 25. I cannot miss his birth. I know all of my AgAir Update readers will understand.
FeArCA of Argentina will be hosting this year’s Congreso Mercosur y Latinoamericano de Aviacion Agricola in Salta, Argentina August 19-21. As more details come to AgAir Update about this multi-country congress, we will relay them to you immediately. I will be attending this event, as well. I am planning on attending the second SNA meeting in Mato Grosso, Brazil August 14 while I am in South America. The days between the events I will spend traveling and visiting AgAir Update readers. If you have any suggestions for where I should go and who I should visit, please advise me.
Until next time, Keep Turning…