AgAir Update's Open House and Hangar party held Friday December 3, was a rousing success. With the first of four new ag-aircraft arriving at noon, the festivities did not come to an end until after 2 a.m. Air Tractor provided a new AT-504, supplied by Farm Air and piloted by JT Capers of Illinois and the AT-602 was flown from the Air Tractor factory by Mike Rhodes. Thrush Aircraft brought its GE Aviation H80-powered 510G and PT6A-powered 510P Thrush aircraft, flown by Jody Bays and Frankie Williams respectfully. I was permitted to conduct an evaluation flight of the 510G and found it to be absolutely awesome, but more about that later...
With over 100 attendees, "Big D's" Smokehouse BBQ provided freshly boiled peanuts for appetizers and served BBQ ribs, chicken and brisket with cole slaw and baked beans. Cooked onsite, Southern-style, the food was outstanding. More photos on our Facebook page here.
Following AAU's party, five ag-aircraft were landed Sunday morning at an abandoned racetrack adjacent to the host Westin Hotel & Resort and were parked between the hotel and the Savannah International Convention Center for display. A Fire Boss AT-802 is scheduled Monday at noon to make a water scoop on the Savannah River between the hotel and Savannah River Walk.
At the annual NAAA board of directors meeting, Sunday afternoon, it was announced this was the largest pre-registration for any previous NAAA convention. The hotel room block reserved by the Association has been exceeded by 28%. Originally, two hotels were reserved and now all have been filled, plus two more added. The convention promises to be a huge success as it officially launches Tuesday at noon with the opening of the exhibit hall. More than 150 exhibitors have registered.
During the NAAA board meeting, the following members were elected into office: President, Rick Richter of California, Vice-President, Mark Hartz of Arkansas, Secretary, Chip Kemper of Idaho and Treasurer, Perry Hofner of South Dakota.
Be sure to continue to monitor AgAir Update's Facebook page and web site, for information and videos of the 2010 NAAA Convention and Trade Exhibition. -Bill Lavender
My apologies to Perry. The correct spelling of his name is: Perry Hofer. -Bill L.